A Candidate
Who Believes You

As a woman of color and renter in Bellingham City I truly understand where our community is at and how much further we have to go. I also know that we need to move much more quickly on every front.

“So many of our community’s issues are tied to the treatment of renters. This is why tenant protections are on the top of my list.”

In Bellingham, the Mayor is also the City Manager. This means an intimate knowledge of the problems our community members face is vitally important.

Not only am I one of the people the system isn’t designed to help, but I also spend my time connecting with other community members who have been left behind or failed entirely. Bellingham needs a Mayor who understands that our inability to move at a quicker pace is costing people their lives. I will never use the phrases:

“Our hands are tied.”

“I assume someone else is following up on that.”

“That’s not our department.”

If there are any issues or concerns that don’t technically fall within any of our City departments I will find out whose jurisdiction it is and offer any and all resources at our disposal. And continue to champion solutions till we get results. It’s time for our community to have leaders who won’t take no for an answer. Instead of leaning on what we can’t do, I will find out what we CAN do.

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